I am DEAD....so tired... it all started on Sunday. we woke up at 5:45 for the skippers meeting. after a couple of hours under the rain and in the wetsuit, we finally didnt compete. we did the ceremony and then we had to derig all the gear and pack up and load it in the truck that would take it to the airport. after, pack up at the apartment. a lot of people was staying in Sytl that night to celebrate: Kauli, Antxon, Mevisen, some of the PWA crew, myself, and many more. so we went out, and we had a pretty good party. i only could sleep for a couple of hours before i had to jump in the train to get to the airport. i had about four train changes and i was carrying my back-pack, my big clothes bag, and another bag with the trophy and other stuff. Arrived at the airpot at about 20:00, pretty exhausted alrady, but we checked in and waited to board. we were on the plane at about 23:00, ready to go, but we had to leave the plane due to technical problems. so we got stuck at the airport for a couple of hours, until the engineer came an checked the plane. we got back on the plane by 01:30. we arrived at UK around 02:30 and i thought i was going to pass out already I was so tired! we took the boardbags and by the time we arrived at John's place, it was about 5:00 in the morning!!! again, we had to wake up early to say hello to the family, and now i am just dying!!! but that is not all. tomorrow, i go back home to GC and i have to wake up again at 6:00!!!!!!! cant wait to be back home (by the way, the forecast looks sick!!!!!)
this are some more pics from the ceremony.... i am so happy still!!! ;-)