I am on my way already to Oz. I am in the UK for a few hours and this evening I leave to Perth. Yesterday, after some weird weather in GC we had a nice sunny glassy day with good waves, perfect to say good bye to GC and have a sweet memory in my mind. the pics are not from yesterday, it was another smaller day in the same spot. I am not Keala, but I love it. I got this pictures from Roberto Lopez. you can see more from more people where he puts his pictures:
http://robertjlm.smugmug.com/gallery/7001592_tQ6XN#448164180_qUbjsIt seems like they will have some strong wind over there that I will miss, but I hope Australia provides good conditions when i get there!!!!! Laure (Treboux) will be there, and Scotty (McKercher) and Boujma, and Ben Severne, and more people i guess. I cant wait to see them and go sailing with them!.