Well, I cant say this has been my best time ever back at home. I have done pretty much nothing but stay at home coughing my chest off! Now I feel a lot better and hopefully will be "full power" in Morocco. It is pitty because they were some really good conditions here, pretty fun, but I havent been able to enjoy them. oh well. no problem.
There is something weird about traveling a lot. One part of me is tired and just wants to stay home and have that nice settling feeling you get when you are home, but the other part is really excited about just being on the road all the time and that traveler's feeling!!!
hey! and I got a nice surprise the other day! I know it might sound silly, but It made my day!. We received the HiWind Japan from April and they normally include a DVD. And I was on it! they included my video from last summer! I was soooooo stocked!