well, we arrive in Fuerte and went straight up north. Some of my friends were already there on holidays and some other working really hard to make the Cabos del Morro villas even better! we were lucky to stay there for two nights and I have to say it was sooooo nice!
Morros del Cabo Villages:

Sailing wise, we could only score one good sailing session in El Burro (Glass Beach) and as the swell and the wind dropped off we decided to head down south to check out the action at the World Cup. I only went the last day of the Slalom, and men, that's so good to watch! so much tension!! so fun! And why not, we also enjoyed a bit the closing ceremony for the Slalom sailors that night in the infamous Carpa/Tent.
Straight away the day after (yesterday), we jumped on a plane over to the UK. We have a friends wedding. Thank God for the charter flights that make all this "crazy trips" fairly available! it is weird, no matter when I come here, I am always cold! it is not that cold right now, but maybe from the contrast of the hot summer down at home.
I will be back in Fuerte in just a day and a half, and it looks like it will be some good conditions in the North Shore for wave sailing when I get there!!!! plus we will have our van all renewed inside so that we can sleep there if we need and hopefully we can fit as much equipment as possible without it being a total mess!!!!
ok... as you can see for my long post, I am in England and I dont have much to do. ok.. I stop now. see ya!!!