domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010


My God it is cooooooold here in the UK!!!!! I am on my way back from Maui. This should have been just a three day stop over in the UK, but we now have to stay for another week. It is bloody freezing! and I mean it literally... Freezing! it is about 2 degrees outside...

well...I will stay indoors, looking at the pics from the last month or at videos. I think at home in the Canaries they are getting some extreme conditions at the moment... will miss it though! I saw some pics the other day where people is still surfing on boardshorts down there! so I cant wait! It looks like it could be a winter like last year, which was pretty warm all the time.

Again, thanks Adele Frola for the pics:

Movies wise, on the plane, I didnt get a very good selection (so snapped when that happens! I get really excited about checking out what movies will I get to see, and all the time, the good movies I want to see are on the opposite direction flights to mine!!). I saw Flipped, Salt and Ramona and Beezus. Flipped was pretty nice, nothing super speciall, but nice to see things from two perspectives. Salt was ok, more of the same from Angelina Jolie as hard core fight-girl, which the guys might love. And Ramona and Beezus was pretty fun, kids fun if you know what I mean, you laugh quite a few times, which is nice. sorry I didnt get to see a more interesting selection, but the other choices were Sorcere's Aprentice or something like that, and didnt look very appealing to me...