jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010


Yesterday we joined Clean Ocean Project cleaning the beach of “Piedra Playa” in Cotillo. It is a beautifull beach, and looking from far, you cant tell how much we, men in general, have polluted it.

It was a good experience. Normally we just walk on the beach and enjoy the Ocean, but we don’t look a the little detail. At least me, I have to say. If you see something really big, ok, you can tell, but also, there is so much tiny contamination as well we don’t really realize until you actually have to pick it up!!!

We did a good job, but still miles away from having a full cleaned beach, but at least we did something. I was picking more of the little shitty stuff, and there were hundreds and hundreds of lollypop stick, bottle top, ice cream sticks and tiny plastic things that waking normally on the beach you wouldn’t even see!

After the cleaning we had a super nice BBQ and ice cream from Secreto....so nice! And following this.... A nice end of the day surfing session.... It was a good day!

Ok... I will make a resolution, and I will try to stick to it. Everyday I go to the beach, I will look and try to pick up something to put in the bin. Ask me in a few months how am I doing with it!

Today looks like there is not much wind, but hopefully tomorrow some wind will come to be able to sail Cotillo o el Puertito... We will see...