jueves, 3 de junio de 2010


The wind kicked in already strong this evening, and we had a great time, including a jump off session!!!.

This place is beautifully strange. Most days, it dawns nicely calm and glassy, and you think there is no way it would change. then, suddenly, it all changes and before I know it, I am sailing on 3,7.
the guys that have joined the clincis this year are all great. This is a really good thing about doing clinics, most of the times you meet very interesting people from many different places and ways of life, and I mean really interesting, from Head Funds Managers, to artists, to a fashion/celebrity photographer. girls, forget about all your complex! I just knew (and saw the process) from him that most of the pictures in the adverts are not only very touched on photoshop but also they are actually made up from the "best parts" of a lot of other pictures from the sessions, I mean: the arm from this picture is better, plus the face of this picture is better etc... honestly, i was freaking out!!!

stay well everyone!!