I love waking up by the sea in Morocco. I have been three times in this country and it seems like everything is in peace when the sun rises. Breakfast time there is normally so calm that you can never really imagine that you will be sailing probably on 3,7 in the afternoon. After breakfats we normally went through the video footage we had filmed during the day before and go through explaining mistakes or things to improve. After that, it was time to hit the water. The days over there seemed so long! You could easily sail for 4 hours a day, including and nice break of about 2 or 3 hours in between sessions to have some lunch, tea or coffee or simply have a nap if you like.
After three days in a row like that, everyone is pretty much dead, so imagine how tired we were after two intense weeks!!!!!! We had all kind of conditions,. Windy and flat, windy and medium waves, nice waves and really light wind and big waves and really windy... Someone asks for more??
As the conditions were so good, we only had time to visit Essaouira and the Medina once, but it was enough to feel the vibe of the town.
Now I cant wait to get back home, but also, I can t wait to be back here, hopefully next year!!!!
For more information and booking enquiries, please visit www.oceansource.net/moulay

Lessons time.
pics by forwards4cowards.blogspot.com johnskye.com and nayraalonso.blogspot.com