but the best thing, is the amount of coverage the girls are finally getting! the number of women windsurfing increases every day and it is great to see the media realize about it!
Boards has been running a special interview with a top lady since the beggining of the year, like Karin Jaggi, Sarah-Quita Offringa, Laure Troboux, myself, and more are coming. Then Funboard Italia has been running special women features thanks to Valentina Crugnola and Fabio Calo, Funboard editor, and also on this issue of Windsurfing Inetrnational there is plenty with women action with the Moreno Twins, myself, information about the new website from Amy Carter: FLOW (For Ladies Of Windsurfing) and also a special feature about Sam Bittner, the soul behind the recent Pistol River Wave Bash.
It is really good to see the women sport develop and grow even when this year is specially bad for the women PWA fleet, with less events than ever. Hopefully, that will change!