This year I couldn't make it to the Clinics we do every year in Moulay (very devastated about it.. I love that place!), but John and Tatsy had great conditions (like always) and judging from the video, I think everyone had a really good time. Have a look at the video from the first clinic of the two we make.
Este año no pude ir a los Clinics que siempre hacemos en Moulay (una pena... me encanta este sitio!), pero John y Tatsy tuvieron muy buenas condiciones (como siempre!) y viendo el video, parece que todo el mundo se lo paso bastante bien!. Echa un vistazo al video de la primera semana de clinics.
John & Nayra's Wave Camp 2012 - Moulay - Week1 from John Skye on Vimeo.